4 Reasons Why You Should Have A Clean Space

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We have given you lots of tips and guides, to efficiently, effectively, and safely clean your spaces which hopefully helped you out on your cleaning journey. Now we dive a little deeper and talk about the importance of cleaning the spaces in your home or in your workplace, especially. For Your Health This is the […]

We have given you lots of tips and guides, to efficiently, effectively, and safely clean your spaces which hopefully helped you out on your cleaning journey. Now we dive a little deeper and talk about the importance of cleaning the spaces in your home or in your workplace, especially.

For Your Health

This is the most obvious benefit of having a clean space. Cleanliness is almost always parallel to healthiness.

A simple regular cleaning schedule can make you avoid certain illnesses such as:

  • Colds
  • Allergies
  • Hepatitis
  • E Coli
  • Typhoid
  • Skin diseases
  • Flu
  • And a lot more

Another hidden benefit of cleaning is helping with mental health.

Having a clean environment helps ease your mood and makes everything less stressful. It also helps you think clearly without distractions. Yes! A clean space can give you a clean mind.

What’s even better is not just having a clean space but if you clean your own space, it can have therapeutic benefits to help you care for yourself.

There are many studies that show the act of cleaning can actually help people relax, relieve their stress and can even help with depression.

Disclaimer: We are not mental health professionals. If you or you know someone who has mental health problems, please consult a professional or seek help.

Here are some numbers you can call:

For Your Safety

Safety goes hand in hand with health. Cleaning makes everyone healthy by keeping everyone safe from harm, from germs, bacteria, and viruses or even just plain old clutter that might hide things you should get rid of, like mouldy items.

Cleaning also makes your equipment or appliances work as good as possible. A good example would be an HVAC (Heat, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system.

If it’s not cleaned properly or regularly, there could be problems with the temperature which can cause health issues or worse it can burn down compressors or make fans explode. Yikes!

So definitely, cleaning provides safety to each and every individual in the space. And with safety comes ease.

For Your Daily Comfort

Two things. First is feeling at ease. A clean space makes you focus on the things you need to, instead of being distracted by your surroundings.

It can help you relax and gives you fewer worries when it comes to your health and safety. Especially in these trying times, with the NCOV-19 outbreak, knowing that the space is sanitized and clean gives everyone peace of mind.

The second thing is smoothness operations, chores, or any activities in the space. We have many gym clients and their customers definitely feel at ease working out in a clean environment.

This could also be said for workplaces. It’s always easier to work if your environment is clean. This will not be noticed on the day-to-day but if suddenly the cleaning stopped, it can definitely affect productivity.

For Attraction

It goes without saying that a clean space definitely catches everyone’s eye. This is very beneficial for people who have an open space, it can definitely attract business.

Or it can also attract more guests to your home. Not now, with social distancing, but when it becomes okay again.

Lastly, it can attract positive vibes. You make room for it when your space is clean. Positivity is good for mental health and it could help with your safety as it could boost your immune system!

Overall, there are reasons for you to clean, these are just the general ones (pun intended). You can do it yourself, but there may also be a reason when you can’t, and that’s where Team Grime comes in!

We can clean your space for you and do it very safely. We have strict sanitary and safety guidelines which you can see here. Contact us for your commercial cleaning needs!


If you’ve got a specific cleaning challenge, we’d love to help you tackle it. Please get in touch with us.

02 8318 8006
13000 GRIME
11 / 108 Old Pittwater Road,
Brookvale NSW 2100
We service Sydney, Newcastle, Central Coast, Coffs Harbour, Brisbane and Melbourne

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